You have booked a portrait session and the day is not looking sunny and blue like you had hoped. Do you cancel? Do you move your portrait to another day?
My advice would be to first contact your photographer and ask for his or her advice. Here in Kauila Kona, we will often have overcast or cloudy weather over Hualalai mountain in the afternoon but that doesn’t mean that the weather down by the ocean is going to be bad. And oftentimes times we will have cloudy weather down by the ocean but that also often dissipates by the golden hour, the hour before sunset. The exception to this is when there is a larger front and that does not dissipate.
The other thing to consider is sometimes cloudy skies and what seems to be not ideal weather turn into some of the prettiest nights and even the best sunsets. This portrait session started with weather that was not ideal and turned into one of the most stunning sunsets of the year.
My last tip is that sometimes the sky here in Kona will explode even 5 or 10 minutes after sunset. Just because the sunset seemed like a dud at the time of sunset doesn’t mean that there might not be an explosion of color after the sun goes down. I watch for this and am willing to stay the extra time if that does happen.
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